Would you like to arrange a tour for a group or your organization? See the options below, then click the button to fill out the request form.
Tour price depends on number of participants.
Tour a sea captain’s home
Captain Bangs Hallet House
The Captain Bangs Hallet House Museum is a stately, fully-furnished sea captain's home, circa 1840. It is the only one like it on Cape Cod seasonally open to the public, providing an intimate glimpse into how sea captains' families lived and entertained in the Victorian era. This private tour will be lead by a knowledgeable docent and is available for booking early summer through October.
Experience a Wampanoag Wetu and Nature Walk
The Too’noopahs (Turtle) Wetu is in the meadow near the Nature Trails and Kelley Chapel. Erected by Marcus Hendricks, a native Wampanoag Nipmuc, it is used to educate the public about local indigenous history and culture. Our tour, which can be tailored to children or adults, starts in the wetu and will include a walk through the adjacent Nature Trails. Up to 30 participants, available Spring through Fall.
“I can not express in words our gratitude for hosting this event for the girls. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to educate them in diverse cultural identities and their takeaways were sincere. When asked at the end of the meeting to tell us their favorite part, I immediately expected them to say making the bracelet, but the overwhelming response was walking the game trail with Marcus—veering off the beaten path and listening to the sounds, smelling the smells and using our senses other than eyes to connect with nature. Marcus’ natural ability to connect with the girls truly made this experience successful.”
Yarmouth’s Historic Indian Reservation
In 1713 Yarmouth residents laid out a 160-acre reservation for the indigenous peoples of Yarmouth to live upon. This confined area was their home for 65-years. Join Wampanoag/Nipmuc Marcus Hendricks and historian Bob Kelley on this walk around the boundaries of this one-time reservation in South Yarmouth and learn more about those that once lived there. For up to 30 adults, approximately 2 hours, available Spring through Fall.
A Walking Tour of Quaker Village, South Yarmouth
A guided walking tour of Quaker Village for up to 30 participants, where you will visit homesites and other locations in this historic area along Bass River. Includes a tour of the Quaker Meeting house and historical talk. Approximately 1.5 hours, available Spring through Fall.